The Pharmacy For You

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As founder of The Healthy Diabetic, LLC, Adalberto Aguero, RPh has been consulting with patients in his pharmacy for the last 2 years and developed The Diabetes Teaching Guide as a clear and easy way to teach his patients about the importance of diabetes self management.

Pharmacy Value is one of the few pharmacies in NJ that can bill Medicare for diabetes self management training. Since 2011 Pharmacy Value has had an amazing success rate in overall health improvement of their patients and they hope more pharmacists will fill this much needed gap in patient care.

Meet Our Staff

Juan Alvarez, RPh

Juan is a hard working professional, who is always willing to go the extra mile.

Albert Aguero, RPh

Albert is a diabetic educator with a passion for helping people live better lives.

Suyapa Penalva, Tech

Suyapa is smart, eloquent and has wonderful communication skills.

Stephanie Ramirez, Tech

Stephanie can make anyone smile with her warm personality and her positive outlook.